Skiing in Gargellen ski area
The highest located winter sports resort in Montafon
Unadulterated adventure & Alpine experiences
On the via ferratas along the wire rope up to lofty heights! When walking via ferratas in Gargellen you'll get to see the mountains from a different side, including breathtaking panoramic and downward views.
Those who often are out and about in the mountains and rave about hiking will love negotiating our via ferratas. Past the prominent limestone cliffs of Rätikon and the partly glaciated Silvretta with views of idyllic Verwallyou can tackle numerous great via ferratas in and from Gargellen. Of course you'll also find plenty of climbing opportunities nearby.
You will find further information at - Via ferratas in Montafon
Varied mountain-activity programme for the whole family. With guided hiking and climbing excursions, guided bike tours and e-bike tours, llama trekking as well as outings to magical, cultural spots such as the Steinschaf breed of sheep – or the valley's bees. As we are a member of BergePLUS Montafon, you can join in all these programs at no cost.
Als Bradabella Gast erhalten Sie viele kostenlose oder stark ermäßigte Preise bei Premiumangeboten. Nutzen Sie die einmalige Gelegenheit! Reservierungen zu Angeboten können bereits von zu Hause aus erledigt werden. So kommen Sie in den Genuss von stressfreien Urlaubstagen welche optimal, nach Ihren Wünschen geplant sind. (Wir empfehlen eine frühzeitige Reservierung vor allem bei Kletterterminen.)